Introducing the CARV Node Sale
Impossible Finance users, stake IDIA to earn whitelist allocation for the CARV Node Sale!
*Updates to sale timeline as of 22 May
2024 is shaping up to be the year of nodes! We are excited to announce Impossible Finance’s third node sale, CARV!
Impossible Finance is a strategic node sale architect and partner for CARV’s node sale, and we are honoured to contribute to the CARV ecosystem in this exciting stage of their growth.
Specially for Impossible Finance users, we have secured 450 whitelist slots in Tier 4 in our staking campaign! More details below.
What is CARV?
CARV is building the largest modular data layer for gaming, AI and more, sitting at the intersection between Data and DePin to power some of the largest Gaming and AI businesses. It is revolutionising how data is used and shared, by ensuring privacy, ownership, and control are firmly in the hands of individuals, pioneering a future where data generates value for all.
The proliferation of data in recent years — 90% of the world’s personal data has been produced by individuals in the last 2 years alone — has, unsurprisingly, led to data becoming increasingly valuable to companies and corporations, particularly for industries like AI and gaming. However, much of our data is predominantly in the hands of a few, with little transparency over the security, usage, or beneficiaries of our data. The very creators and contributors of data see little to no financial reward or benefit.
CARV aims to revolutionise the way data is used, exchanged and distributed, by creating a transparent, decentralised internet where individuals not only retain sovereignty over their personal information but also actively engage in the economic ecosystems built around it.
Already, over 2.5M users have already joined this data revolution, making CARV one of the largest ecosystems by unique active wallets (UAW) across multiple blockchain networks, including zkSync, Linea, opBNB, Ronin, and 40+ more chains. Also 750+ games & AI companies integrated into the CARV ecosystem.
For more details on CARV, check out Impossible Finance's Research Report!
CARV Node Sale
The CARV Node Sale marks the beginning of CARV’s journey to building a decentralised ecosystem: a user-owned internet where your data doesn’t just exist — it generates value for you.
For more details, read CARV’s Node Sale announcement on their blog.
Impossible Whitelist Sale for CARV Nodes
As a platform for the Node Sale, Impossible Finance has secured 450 Tier 4 nodes for our community. For a seamless experience, the IF Community Whitelist can be completed entirely on the Impossible Launchpad, by staking IDIA (Arbitrum), without having to go onto CARV’s dedicated page for the Node Sale on its website.
Users that want to participate in the Public Round or have joined other Whitelist campaigns can still go to CARV’s dedicated page for the Node Sale on its website.
Impossible Finance Whitelist Campaign Timeline
IDIA Staking Campaign
How to get Allocation & Purchase?
Step 1: Participate in IDIA Staking Campaign on IF Launchpad website.
Step 2: Purchase your allocation between 22/05/2024 - 24/05/2024 on the Impossible Launchpad.
StakeWeight Formula
The Staking Campaign will follow Impossible’s standard StakeWeight Allocation model, where the number of nodes users get to purchase depends on 1) how much IDIA you stake and 2) how long you stake IDIA for in relation to the other stakers of the pool.
Due to the campaign special circumstances, the calculations for the StakeWeight formula will be rounded up to determine the node allocation.
Estimated Rewards = Number of Whitelisted Node/s you will receive
Staking Amount: The amount (and how long) you stake corresponds to the amount of node/s you will receive. However, the Estimate Reward may not always be a whole number (e.g., 1 or 2 nodes) and we cannot sell fractions of nodes (e.g., 0.7 nodes).
To purchase, you need to stake enough to obtain a whole number of Estimate Rewards. This balance will change daily as more users stake. If you drop below a full number (<1) you will need to increase your Stake to guarantee a Node allocation. So check regularly!
- Estimate Rewards: 0.51 = 0 nodes
- Estimate Rewards: 1.23 = 1 node
- Estimate Rewards: 2.91 = 2 nodes
CARV Token
CARV is the native token for the CARV ecosystem, used as a medium of exchange within its platform. In an effort to achieve fair and incentivized participation, the intention is to allow node holders to operate the CARV Verification Layer. In addition, node operators are intended to be rewarded in veCARV for contributing to the network’s operation and security (data privacy protection) of CARV.
Up to 25% of the total supply will be provided to verifier node operators. It is expected that 50% of tokens will be released in the first year.
CARV Foundation is committed to compliance. Participants will receive veCARV instead of receiving native token directly and convert it to CARV through redemption, then claim the rewards.
Check here for more details about veCARV and CARV converting.
Helpful Guides
About CARV
CARV is building the modular data layer for gaming and AI, unlocking innovation with access to comprehensive, high-quality data while empowering individuals with data self-sovereignty.
Website | Twitter | Discord | Newsletter | Blog
About Impossible Finance
Impossible is an on-chain native, research advisory firm with a DeFi launchpad and accelerator. We help projects kickstart, fundraise, scale and launch their tokens while enabling users to learn, discover and invest in high quality crypto opportunities.
Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram | Blog
Terms & Conditions
- Impossible reserves the right in its sole discretion to amend or change or cancel this announcement at any time and for any reason without prior notice.
- Impossible reserves the right to determine the allocation of the Nodes
- Users need to complete their KYC and also be from an eligible jurisdiction to participate in this token sale.